Friday, January 16, 2009

I know its a miricle, but there's a war going on.

Okay, I understand how amazing the Hudson river plane crash was today, but seriously, do we have to talk about it all day. It dominated the news cycle today. Its a feel good story, I understand, but there are important issues we need to be discussing. We have a war in Iraq, crisis in Gaza, a plummeting economy, and huge unemployment numbers. In addition to all of this, we are still burning foreign oil and destroying our climate, and our infrastructure is crumbling. I don't mean to sound like an alarmist, but we must sound the alarms. We can all have a feel good day on Tuesday when Barack is sworn in, but work must start Wednesday morning. Ready for a feel good moment? Watch Obama at the Iowa Jefferson Jackson dinner over a year ago. Moments like this reassure me in my choice for President.

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